In memory of a truly Golden Angel

Susan Nielsen became almost totally disabled
with MS (multiple sclerosis),
a weird disease (and a true dis-ease)
which slowly eats up the myelin sheath on the nerve cords.

Since 1982 Susan saw an ever-decreasing ability to access her body, limbs, etc.
Eventually, other people were required to attend the needs and functions of her body.
Susan became so disabled with MS, that she could not even brush her own teeth,
feed herself, get out of bed, get dressed, etc. etc. without help.

All the things we take for granted that we can do with or to our body, she eventually could not do.
However, there is one thing we don't take for granted .. pure happiness ..
which seemed to be "a natural" for her.

That's why I call her an angel.
For the 20+ years I knew her,
she always had the best of smiles and attitude.
She never complained; and was a stunning inspiration to any who feel depressed,
unhappy, miserable, etc., for little things in life ..

compared to what she had to deal with throughout many years of her life.
The MS manifested in her body during her young 20's, following the birth of her twin boys.
I believe she was nearly 50 when she passed.

One of my favorite stories and memories of Susan:

I walked down the ramp to the door of the Airplane when she came to visit me at the Hermitage in the 1990's.
An airline hostess standing at the door told me, as she held back her tears ...

"I will never forget this woman and what her presence taught me.
On this job I have to deal with so many people, their problems, attitudes, etc. ... and I often get so annoyed.
Then I see this woman and she can do almost nothing for herself,
yet all the time she is radiant and happy.
How can I now complain about anything in my life?"

This is a memory from Patrick Surprise, one of her long-time friends who knew her from the late '70's,
before the MS manifested in her body.
Patrick sums up well, a correct description of our precious and sweet Sue Nielsen!

"She was truly one of the most wonderful people I have ever known.
 I will never forget her sweet, funny, modest, generous and genuine personality and also, of course, her incredible beauty."

Susan (and all of us) were blessed with 10 years of off-and-on caretaking
provided to her by very good friend (also of 20+ years) Linda Lisse (another angel soul among us).

The following notes were written by Linda ...

Sue died [in 2007] from MS. She had some strokes and had lost some of her memories;
 and was forced to be in the NOW for about 6 months before death. The last time I saw her she whispered in my ear that she was dying.

I believe that Sue has reincarnated as my daughter Cassiana.
In fact, Ananda said that she might be coming to me while I was pregnant
and I poo-pooed the idea saying that Sue would likely take some sweet time enjoying the in-between bodies period.
Well, I believe that he was right because Cassi freaks me out how much she looks and acts like Sue. She has those blue eyes!
I gave Sue care off-and-on for 10 years and am tickled that she has picked me to be her next Mom.
I have a feeling she is going to want to give me care some day long into the future when I am feeble. That would be great.
Linda Lisse

May all beings enjoy the supreme happiness of helping someone who truly needs help,

and who appreciates it from the very depths of their heart, as did Susan.

<>I have always felt it an honor to know and serve this divine angel.

Thank you very much, Susan, for being such a divine part of my life and spiritual journey.


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