The "OM" Sisters
My heart in India is truly nourished by the Roy
family...a true Gandhian family, totally dedicated to village uplift by
serving their poor village families in matters of health, education,
& spiritual well-being.
Annukul Roy worked with Mahatma Gandhi as a news reporter
during freedom fighting days. Following Gandhiji's advice, he
distributed his village lands among the poor, and thereby thrust his
own family into the same condition.
He raised his children in Gandhian consciousness, thus
their dedications today. Three sisters are unmarried, and
together with mother and two "adopted brothers" they serve their local
villagers -- spiritually, health issues, tutoring of children, a temple
and meeting hall, yoga classes, evening prayer, readings, meditation,
etc. etc..
It is with great joy that I present all these pictures of so many pure
hearts, pure souls, love which seems with no bounds!!
Eyes of Love

Mandir construction-11/2008
Hermitage funding helped to construct a very nice small temple &
meeting hall. Ananda painted the Bengali Om sign over the temple door,
did the wood finishing on the doors; and expanded their overall design
& size with funding and good ideas.

Bengali Om
Sevakendra Thank You
The night before Ananda's departure, after building the temple and
satsang hall, the villagers came forth with a nice surprise "thank you"
party. Much Fun!