sharing of
the bliss and joys of life here in India, Aug. 2009 - Jan. 2012.

Smiles coming to you from
West Bengal
A friend once
said, after looking at so many picture collages from previous
to India ...
"Miles of Smiles!"
So, this page is dedicated to
all those wonderful friends and "Miles of
Smiles" here in India;
as well as friends elsewhere in
this world, who make this life of service to be
so "rich", possible, and such a joy for everyone;
and of course to friend Edwin, who touched my heart with such a
wonderful description .. "Miles of Smiles".
We are all blessed ... and grateful ... for the "Miles of Smiles" in
our lives.
This page is just a beginning.
Over time (Indian time) there will be more cool
and more cool pictures.
Right now, ashram construction is quite consuming of my time,
as is the "family" life I lead being the dad and so much else for
Sita's family.
Usually, I spend five nights at the ashram, and two at her house ...
hardly ten minutes walk apart.
Samadhi Hermitage - INDIA
A big smile on my own face, as well as of
many friends,
is that now I am a
legal resident of India.
With that sweet
the Samadhi
Hermitage is now building it's own
small ashram .. Samadhi
Hermitage -
India ..
in the village of Ellora.
The home of Sita's family,
which I am also blessed to support, is also in Ellora.

A "most favorite" picture of Sita and I, taken at Meherbaba's ashram,
29 Jan. 2010.

These smiles are with the work crew helping the build the ashram in
The Samadhi
Hermitage-India ashram is here to serve your
visit to India,
as is Sita's family and home which are also part
of our Ashram,
known as "Advaita Ananda Samadhi
so please feel
inspired and welcome to visit.

This was Sita's 16th Birthday party, Aug. 30, 2009 ..
just one month after her sister Sunita gave birth to her first baby ..
Chandrani (means "moon queen").
As well as being my own peaceful
home-base here in India ...
the Ashram is a big piece
in my
future vision for Sarubai's daughter,
Sita Tambe,
a precious jewel whose future we
hope to be as a yogini in service to
village girls and women.
No doubt, she will be joined by
one or both of her younger brothers for
their own means of
"returning the gift" of family
Sagar is a natural "take it
easy, all time happy fellow" with no
interest in book learning:
and Ravi is now in 3rd grade at
a local private English speaking school.
We talk of his offering free
tutoring to poor village children, as his
village service gift.
Ellora is a place
of Ancient Spiritual
Caves carved
into a volcanic
near to Aurangabad, in the western state of Maharashtra.

Pictures of, and from, the Yogeswari Cave here in Ellora .. where I
spent a good part of my birthday last year.
A "next" webpage will be pics of the various caves here .. quite
Roy Family Sevashram, in West
We have supported this Gandhian family since 1983.
This is a big piece of true India for me here in India.

Temple and Satsang Hall which we helped to build on Roy family property
in West Bengal.
... a true
Gandhian family, totally dedicated to serving humanity.

These three gals, part of the Roy family community, have all vowed a
life of social work, not marriage.
Amar Kantak
Headwaters of the Narmada River

I will put more pictures here soon .. of Yogini Shivani, and her
ashram family which we are also giving service to.

Playful (and serious) scolding of a "bad boy" Sadhu Gurubhai (guru
brother) to Shivani

"Thank You" to everyone for enabling my life to be as it is .. full of
"Miles of Smiles"
Jai Ma.
This webpage will be
a scattered and ongoing collection of pictures and
throughout this visit to India ...
Sadhu (Hindu monk) friends, families supported, and other precious
souls along the way.
It is intended to be a wonderful story in the "Miles
of Smiles" ... lives
affected, including my own.
Thank you for
enjoying the journey..
and also for being
an important part of those "Miles of Smiles" in
our lives!!
I am fortunate to
have my own
MacMini computer here in India, in Ellora,
so, please check back here when you
feel to, in order to see new pics and "Smiley Miles"!
Thanks again for your caring and
wonderful support.
luvnhugs, Jai Ma,
Samadhi Hermitage, Madrid, New Mexico, USA
Advaita Ananda Samadhi Ashram - Ellora, Maharastra, INDIA |
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