Notice in each row the nature of her eyes and lips are virtually the same thru the span of time (9-19 yrs age)
....going from a "stillness" looking out from inside; to a bit of a smile, yet with lips closed
(the two middle photos of 2nd & 3rd rows should swtich positions, but space didn't work for such);
to an openmouthed more alive-eyes smile (3rd row); and finally to fully absorbed in laughter with
her eyes nearly shut.    Lower left is sort of a stand alone.   Blissings and blessings to dear Ruby.
Mishra Family Photo Collage (1994-2002)
Photo Collage of Ruby (1994-2002)
Photo Collage of Gautam (1994-2002)
Photo Collage of Jyoti (1994-2002)
Photo Collage of Sagar (1999-2002)
Jyoti Dancer Collage (April, 2003)
Cool Kids Collage (April, 2003)
Ruby & Ganga Collage - the Newlyweds (April, 2003)
RubyEyes Collage 1994-2003
Ruby's Marriage in Ganga Collage (dec. 2002)
Party Time Collage (oct.-dec.2002)

The Bliss Book - 2003-4
The 2004-5 Bliss Book